
Support for Catalan independence reaches 450,000 votes after third wave of non-binding referendums

The voting on April 25 adds up 265,000 voters to the process · Since the first consultation 2,300,000 people have been called to vote · The 'yes' vote to independence exceeds support to several parties in parliament such as IC-V, PP and ERC –the only party in Parliament that declares itself in favour of independence.

Out of the three consultations on independence of Catalonia, the one held last Sunday mobilized the most municipalities and voters. 212 villages and towns had the popular referendum observed; 265,000 people went to the ballot and 92,2% did so with a "yes" vote. Turnout was at 17,4%, 4 points lower than in the second wave, partly because the plebiscite was held in some of the country's largest towns like Girona, Lleida, Granollers, Reus and Manresa.

People in favour of independence in the three consultations -four considering Arenys de Munt- has reached a considerable sum. Although a referendum has not been held in the whole Catalan territory, the amount of the "yes" vote goes beyond the votes obtained by several Catalan parties in the last parliamentary elections. Such is the case of Ciutadans (Spanish nationalists), Iniciativa per Catalunya-Verds (eco-socialists), Partido Popular (conservative Spanish nationalists) and Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (leftist pro-independentists).

More villages and towns in the waiting list

The process of the popular consultations -non-binding referendums organized by civil society- is to be continuing in the forthcoming months. Large towns as Cornellà, Mataró and Sant Boi de Llobregat, together with at least 15 more towns, are holding it on June 20, while Sabadell's turn is on May 30.

The world watches

Once more, the consultation has been watched closely by international observers, who guaranteed the integrity and neutrality of the electoral process. Pro-sovereignty parties such as the Scottish National Party, Independence Republic Sardinia, Eusko Alkartasuna and Corsica Independent Nation sent local councilors, mayors and even top officials -vice-president of Parti Québécoise, Daniel Turp, attended the consultation. Turp himself, together with 30 other observers, were monitoring the process because they were in Girona's World Forum for the Collective Rights of Peoples, organized by CIEMEN.

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