
Catalan organizations call for political parties to give up pro-autonomy way out

The organization Acte de Sobirania (Act of Sovereignty), made up of several pro-independence groups, has rallied today in front of the house of the Catalan Government · The demonstration seeks holding Catalan political leaders responsible for the Statute and the financing system crises, as well as pushing them towards the path of self-determination.

Members of several pro-independence associations have organised a protest against the autonomist solution for Catalonia based on the legal status established by the Statute of Autonomy. Spanish conservative and unionist forces lodged an appeal against the Statute despite being approved by referendum in 2006. For the last three years Catalan public opinion is on tenterhooks awaiting for the Spanish Constitutional Court decision, which, most likely, will cut back the powers envisaged by the Statute. The Acte de Sobirania group has invited Catalan society to perform "the end of the statutary system". Organisers blame Catalan politicians for the failed Statute, and thus they are to call for Catalan representatives to "find answers so that the current situation can be overcome".

The association is planning another protest opposite the premises of the Catalan Parliament by June 27 in which an opportunity will be given to elected members of Parliament to respond to Acte de Sobirania's demands. This evening's event has taken place in Barcelona's Plaça de Sant Jaume and Girona's Plaça del Vi.

Acte de Sobirania has the support of several civil society organizations such as Plataforma pel Dret de Decidir (Platform for the Right to Decide), Sobirania i Progrés (Sovereignty and Progress), Sobirania i Justícia (Sovereignty and Justice), Comissió de la Dignitat (Commission for Dignity) and, among others. It is an organization in favour of Catalonia's independence that considers itself as heir to the spirit of the Assembly of Catalonia -a joint organization of Catalan political parties, trade unions and social movements that struggled against Franco's dictatorship during the 70's and called for the right to self-determination to be implemented- the Marxa per la Llibertat (March for Freedom) -a non-violent foot march for political freedom and Catalan independence that took place in 1976-, the 2006 and 2007 massive demonstrations for self-determination and the 2009 Catalan rally in Brussels.

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