
Ar Redadeg, the feast of the Breton language, hits the road

A relay race will tour more than 1,200 km in 6 days all over Brittany to promote Breton language and culture · The initiative gets inspiration from the traditional Korrika held in the Basque Country.

Just before the Galician Correlingua comes to an end, another European minoritised community observes its yearly celebration through a popular race. Ar Redadeg (Breton for "the race") is a non-competitive event open to people of any age. For 6 days and 5 nights people will pass the baton on to the next runner, symbolising the crucial transmission of the language.

Ar Redadeg is not only an occasion to encourage the use of the language of Brittany, but also a campaign to raise money. Each kilometre can be symbolically purchased for 100€, which will be used for projects in favour of this Celtic language and particularly for the Diwan schools -the only educative centres offering Breton medium education. To this date 1,022 km have been sold, and half the money will fund the Diwan network, while the other half will be given to Radio Kerne, Arvorig FM, Radio Kreiz Breizh and Radio Bro Gwened radio stations in Breton, the journal Al Liamm and the Côtes-d'Armor committee Gouren ("Breton struggle"), among several other projects.

The race is starting on Monday at Roazhon (Rennes) and will end on May 16 at Pondi (Pontivy). Apart from private donors, the initiative has the support of the General Council of Finistère, Ofis ar brezhoneg (Breton Language Board), the Region of Brittany and the Rennes city council, among others.

Further information:

See the dossier Peoples and nations today: Brittany for further information.