
European creditors withdraw support to Hasankeyf dam in Kurdistan

Turkish government wants a dam built which would submerge an historical city and displace thousands of people.

Germany, Switzerland and Austria have announced they withdraw financial support to Ilisu dam. The project, promoted by Turkey, aims at building a massive dam in the Tigris river which would leave the town of Hasankeyf (Northern Kurdistan) under the water. According to Hurriyet Turkish newspaper, the three countries have declared Ankara was unable to fulfil within the contractually stipulated timeframe "the requirements in the areas of the environment, cultural heritage and resettlement" of people.

The Ilusu dam works are due to start this week. Kurdish social movements and political parties have complained against it repeatedly as the project would destroy the ancient town of Hasankeyf, which it is said to be 10,000 years old, and would displace thousands of people. DTP (Democratic Society Party) official Abdullah Demirbas has said the Ilusu dam is "an attempt of submerging under water Kurdish history and identity".

However, the Turkish government has said that it will build the dam despite the lack of foreign investment.

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