
Actions in favour of Catalan on Saint George day, Catalonia’s patron saint

NEWS IN BRIEF. Demonstrations have been called on in Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca. A concert organized by migrants and the Platform for the Catalan Language will also take place.

Saint George day, Catalonia's patron saint, marks the date for the traditional civic actions across de country in favour of Catalan language and culture. One of the most significant events is the concert co-organized by the Platform for the Catalan Language (Plataforma per la Llengua) and 24 Catalan associations representing migrant communities from around the world, such as Casa Eslava (Slavs), Federació d'Entitats Equatorianes de Catalunya (Ecuador), Els Altres Andalusos (Andalusians), l'Associació de Treballadors Pakistanesos (Pakistani workers), among others. With the motto "Catalan, shared language", they will perform the show "Detotarrel", which will gather singers and musicians of Catalan origin and new Catalans born abroad.

The leftist pro-independence movement in the Barcelona region has called on a demonstration with the motto "Bilingualism crushes our language: in the Catalan Countries, in Catalan!". The Sindicat d'Estudiants dels Països Catalans (Students Union of the Catalan Coutries), Joves de Mallorca per la Llengua (Majorcan Youth for Language) and Maulets (revolutionary pro-independence youth) have organised another march in Palma de Mallorca, calling upon young people to "defend Catalan, the island's own language, against repeated attacks".

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