
For our fellow women, for our peoples

Women’s movements unleash struggles throughout the world for their rights and those of minoritised peoples

Una manifestació encapçalada per activistes feministes afrodescendents a Nicaragua.
Una manifestació encapçalada per activistes feministes afrodescendents a Nicaragua.
Women’s struggles and their political, social and economic agency in the framework of the defence of the collective rights of minoritised peoples around the world are the backbone of this Nationalia series of five stories written by local female journalists, knowledgeable of the social and political fabrics there and their mobilizations. Women’s movements of Nicaragua’s Indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples, Morocco’s Amazigh, or the complex reality of feminism and mobilization of Kurdish women in Turkey, are some of the cases reviewed here, with vectors crossing all those struggles —such as the fight for peace, social justice or the vindication of the value of the common good.

With support from:

With support from the Agència Catalana
de Cooperació al Desenvolupament
and the Departament de Treball,
Afers Socials i Famílies


List of available stories: