
Alliance for Basque independence signed between Eusko Alkartasuna and the left pro-independence movement

The two political factions agreed to join forces for an independent Basque state · The accord is based on a ‘democratic process and a firm and definitive commitment with peaceful and democratic means’ to reach independence · The document does not include to run together in next elections.

Eusko Alkartasuna (EA) and the left pro-independence movement showed last weekend their will to work together to attain independence for the Basque Country in a democratic and peaceful framework. The agreement, called Lortu Arte, culminates the process of conjunction between both pro-independence blocs.

The alliance, which does not comprise a joint electoral list, is based on the constitution of a Basque State through a ‘democratic process and a firm and a definitive commitment with peaceful and democratic means'. As the commitment made by the left pro-independence movement last February, Lortu Arte brings up the Mitchell Principles -determined during the Northern Ireland peace process- ‘as a basis for a multiparty negotiation process to address a comprehensive political settlement', EiTB informs.

The agreement establishes as a priority to overcome ‘the political conflict and to put an end to violence' for good. It also calls on to go beyond the current ‘legal and political structures' and argues for a Basque State which has participative democracy, social justice, sustainable development, gender parity and promotion of the Basque language as its main concerns.

As regards the implementation of the agreement, both political forces speak of strategic accumulation of forces, civic, peaceful and democratic confrontation with both Spanish and French states and nation-building measures.

PP and PSE see ‘nothing new' in the deal

The Basque Socialist Party, currently in government, and PP (conservative Spanish nationalists) played down the importance of the news. They said that ‘there's nothing new' in the agreement and that it is ‘a masquerade with no real content'. They even said the deal means ‘Eusko Alkartasuna's political suicide'. Both political parties regretted the document signed by pro-independence parties made no mention of ETA's demobilization. Rodolfo Ares (PSE) warned Pello Urizar's Eusko Alkartasuna he should not give shelter to a banned party.

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